It had been a whole year....... I'd been out and about shooting almost exlusively with Available Light. Oh how I missed you Profoto =)
I've been quite busy lately moving and haven't had time for much shooting at all. I'm all settled in at home now, and since I recently started interning...A Lot of things have come to light...Literally!! Like the Fact that I Love shooting in Studio lighting. So I was challenged...and who doesn't love a challenge ;) It was to test my lighting abilities and see what I could do, with little direction, just a couple of inspirational Magazines. I have named this the year for New Beginings so I got to work and did my best.....
The results were more than I could have hoped for. I posted a sneak peek image to Facebook and got a few comments like the following;
Great Shot!
OMG, Love it Love it,
All that on just the above image I posted. I certaintly feel like I achieved The Goals I had in mind for this Photo shoot with this image. She wasn't so sure when I asked her to pose like this because she has such a handle on Modeling...but "Trust Me" I said.
I'll admit it's one of my favorite that's why it made it to Facebook first....But I'm also a fan of all these others featured below.

I must Say that I Love working with Miss Yadian....We are a good team...for those of you who don't know she is an amazing Hair stylist....So for any Photographers out there looking for a Hair Stylist on your shoots let me know and I can forward her information.
Happy Thursday!!
Happy Thursday!!
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