If you are a Violet fotos follower you probably noticed my Absence. I haven't posted to this blog since January. My apologies I've had little or almost no time for photography. My clients have had my full attention and time has escaped me in sharing with the world all of the wonderful works of Art I have created.
I feel like there is no better time to get back to it then NOW, I have made a decision to NOT let time escape me. Over the next month my plan is...
1) To go through the thousands of Photographic files and share with you!!. Get Ready there are a lot.
2) To get ready and geared up for the exciting upcoming events I have scheduled for the fall :)
3) To get out there and be able to do what I do best with the Love & Passion I have for Photography.
With That Said...I will be busier than usual over the next Month, but I will be at my desk working on Blogposts. I will however continue to be available with my Calendar ready to be filled for the upcoming months.
In the meantime feel free to follow Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter :) CLICK THE LINK
I will start My sharing with this image taken in Philadelphia. It was an amazing time during a romantic mini-getaway. Enjoy!
Even the Darkest Night Will End & The Sun will Rise.