Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Unfinished Business...

This time of year is generally a little slow...but I've been busy with a lot of things, personal and business.   I am finally starting to feel like everything is seemingly caught up.  That means I get to work on the things I do for fun. (Photographing My cute kids and my beautiful nieces Major hobby of mine :)

Sometime in August I shared my niece Erika's Pictures that I did for her.  I blogged them (I think) and I Facebooked em' I'm sure of it (but not all)  Since with family there's no pressure to actually finish a job until you have the time, it's easy to leave those on the back burner if you will.  So the truth is one or the other went up as I worked on them...but then came the Fall and Christmas...Well let's just Say it's 2012 =) and now I have some free time to finish all the UNFINISHED Business ;)

With Pleasure I share with you Ms. Erika....

I hope she will always see how truly beautiful she is....On the inside and Out.

 I LOVE you Erika <3 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Looking Forward....

It's Only 4 Days into the Year and here is my first post this Month...I look forward to many more, or at least more than the one post I managed to blog last month.  The truth of the matter is that I am quite busy these days... 

I Photographed a lot of family over the Holidays and did an event in December that is pretty Much going to keep me busy the rest of the Month.  All that while trying to set goals for the coming year and maybe at somepoint re-cap 2011.  If this busyness is any indication of what the year will be like, then Bring it ON. I am ready for whatever comes my way.  

I believe I am starting the year off right.  Although I am going to skip all the resolutions of dieting that are never kept.  Instead I will continue to watch my calories and Pray to God I don't gain another pound ;)  I will continue to do whatever I need to do to care for my family as I always do, but this Year I also plan on taking care of me for a change. When we become mother's we tend to always look for the well being of our children and neglect ourselves a little (or A lot).  I am going to do my best to Care for myself just as I do for others. THAT is my New Year's resolution. 

Today, I had the honor of Photographing a lovely young woman that is expecting her first child.  I Love to document these new beginings, as once the clock turns forward it never turns back. I feel it is one the most important moments in a woman's life.  It is definitely PHOTO Worthy.  Here is one from the Session. I'd like to point out that this is not an image that would make the final cut for her package.  It does However, make My final cut as a Dramatic Artistic image.  That make ME happy =) 
I Look forward to another Post with images from her session.  That is sometime after I get through all of My december work. And since we are LOOKING FORWARD,  let's look to a fabulous 2012, a Year of New Beginnings for me and A year of blessings to all =)