Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Graduation Day...

It's amazing how quickly time goes by.......it seems like yesterday that I graduated but time has elapsed.

I am extremely proud of My achievement. I never thought I could do it. You see I never had much for stability in Life, but the way I figure it is.....It's Never to late =)

I made the decision to become a Professional Photographer and enrolled at Boston University Center for Digital Imaging Arts.

I graduated as a Certified Professional Photographer.

Here is a Photo of the whole class....
compliments of Althea Scully =)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Road Less Traveled......

Why is it that we seem to always want to do what everyone else does? Does anyone ever take the road less traveled? What exactly does that mean anyway...that we allow ourselves to be different? I believe that The Road Less Traveled is risky and that is precisely why it is Less Traveled. I asked a friend of Mine to write a little piece on the Roads we choose in Life and here it is below;

As we go through life we encounter many roads - both literally and figuratively. Each road takes us to a different place. True roads will take us to the mall, a new city, church. Life roads will take us to new experiences, the next steps in our life adventures.

It's the "life roads" that leave the most impact. They are the ones we stand before and really have to think about whether or not we want to go down those roads. Never knowing what the road will lead to, never knowing who or what we will encounter. Sometimes the life roads we take end up being dead ends or too rough to walk down. Sometimes though ..

Sometimes the life roads take us to better places. They enrichen our lives and show us new, wonderful experiences. Allow us to meet fantastic people and leave not so good ones behind. When we're on a good road. A level road. A road swathed in rich, green, beautiful trees. A quiet road with little distractions..the end not visible, but the way there clear. Those are the roads that put a serene smile on our faces. The ones that make us feel good, feel loved, feel blessed.

Such a moment captured below. By a camera skillfully yielded. Art. Life. True bliss.

Written by Mary Desir - Amazing Life Long Friend.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Man I Love......

𝄞When the mellow moon begins to beam,
Ev'ry night I dream a little dream;
And of course Prince Charming is the theme:
The he
For me.
Although I realize as well as you
It is seldom that a dream comes true,
To me it's clear
That he'll appear.

Some day he'll come along,
The man I love;
And he'll be big and strong,
The man I love;
And when he comes my way,
I'll do my best to make him stay.𝄞
The Man I Love.... is not a dream. He is a Reality in my Life, and he came along Quite some time ago.

He's not perfect...(far from it & neither am I) But I Love HIM...More than words can say. Oh and he is definitely Big and Strong. =)

My Husband and I have been able to spend extra time together in these past few months and I am so grateful for that closeness that the Lord has Provided.

Because Tomorrow is never Promised.....Today we should LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH and appreciate what we have.