It's been a year now since he's been gone.......but he is ever present and will be for the rest of our lives......

More so now than when he was alive. The tragedy that struck, was devastating for all of us. I can honestly say MY life will never be the same and accepting that has not been easy. I have to say that everyone is affected in a different way. The four children he left behind, the mother & father that suffer daily, the brother that mourns him constantly, the sister that wishes it never happened.
I can't begin to describe the horrible loss that we have all felt...and also all the other feelings that have come from a tragedy of this sort. For some people a death can bring them closer together, while others are torn apart. Death affects people in different ways. Some people become clingy to their loved ones, others become distant and angry, while others just try to be strong and give support to all. Whatever the case may be.......
I can only pray that any negative feelings that are still lingering can eventually go away and forgiveness can settle in our hearts...
If anyone ever told me that I would be the last person to take a photo of him alive I would not have believed them.....Today I thank God that he gave me the opportunity and skill to take these Photos...for it reinforces my belief in the importance of Photography. Memories last a lifetime and beyond........
Chiry, you are forever in our hearts...........