I walked the trail with a friend almost daily. (never on the weekends ;) We would walk for approximately 5 miles. It was great. I felt energetic. Exercise is really good for you and I.
Soon after I began my photography education at CDIA, I was in a horrible car accident. It left me sitting in a wheelchair and my life as I new it was put on hold. My world came crashing down along with my dreams of becoming a Photographer.
This is the last image I took before that accident.......
However If you know me at all you'd know how determined I am. Well....That determination paid off. I fought to get out of the wheel chair and after a ton of Physical Therapy, I picked up my camera again. I went right back to school and finished my education.
All the while in my heart I wanted to walk to the Trail, but I physically could NOT bring myself to do it. I would drive by and look at it, only wishing I could walk it. Then, thinking of all the things that could go wrong, I would push the desire aside.

Of course still capturing the natural beauty.....
After realizing that life is too short to NOT do the things that you really want to do. I decided to try to get back on the trail this spring. I invited my husband to join me. (that way if I fell along the way he could just carry me back ;) I set a goal for myself and started slowly. At first just 20 min and then 50, until I finally worked my way up to the 1 and 1/2 hours it takes me to walk the 5 miles. I am so happy that I was able to do it, and feel like myself again. If you think I was proud of myself for making through school after the whole ordeal, you should see how proud of myself I am now after THIS achievement.
A Special Thanks to my Husband who pushed and pulled me on that Trail, when I thought I couldn't make it.
I stand by this.....
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Good for you! I'm proud of you...as always.